A late run home

With it being a Thursday I was hoping to make the track session in Regents Park this evening but, as sometimes happens, work got the better of me. So instead, a little later than planned, I decided to take the simple option of running home. It's something that I fall back on every now and again and usually I aim to skip the busy, noisy and congested section through Soho because it's never much fun. Instead I let the train take the strain and hopped onto the Bakerloo line as far as Regents Park tube station. Perfect!

From here I trotted over to the park to be met by the sight of the Taste of London food festival; talk about a massing of marquees and an attractive aroma for a hungry runner! Nevertheless I remained strong, looped round the lake and pointed myself towards the Hub and Primrose Hill. It's amazing how many people were out playing rounders and kicking a partially-inflated ball around; maybe running isn't the only fruit? Anyway from Primrose Hill the view was lovely but my job was to continue through Belsize Park and on to the Heath. In the evening this lovely open space is often quiet and you have to share your thoughts with no one. Great!

Dinner was on my mind though. So I took the shortest route possible and that meant a long jog along Sheldon Avenue; backing onto Highgate Golf Club this is one of the most prestigious roads in the area and if I had the dosh well there are worse places to live! Sadly we don't reside there and so over the Great North Road I went before twisting and turning my way through the back-streets to home. Happily my sore knee didn't need to complain throughout the short run and I feel ready for the weekend. Excellent!

Distance: 5.4 miles
Time: 43m 11s

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