Almost a wet run

Since my current schedule demands that I run to work on a Friday, if I'm to log enough miles, then this morning I awoke with a slight sense of foreboding; all night the rain had been lashing down and while I don't mind running in the wet I'm hardly going to go looking for it! Luckily the skies were clear and not long after 7am I hesitantly made my way down to Highgate Wood. With my knee still playing up I've developed a more flat-footed running style to avoid any undue stress and it seems to be working. Anyway in amongst the trees it felt almost jungle humid and I really love that atmosphere: the heavy, pressing dampness that envelops you like a sauna and makes you want to stretch out on a rug with a good book!

Hampstead Heath after the deluge
Hampstead Heath after the deluge

Given that that wasn't an option I continued plodding on towards the Heath fully expecting a mud bath. Luckily it wasn't too bad but all of that water has to go somewhere and the little streams and tributaries were full of vim this morning. Whether there's much animal life in them I don't know but, for sure, the ponds are well stocked with carp! Still I wasn't here to angle (although give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day) and I had to get into work fairly sharpish given that a major piece of work was released this morning and it was all hands on deck to make sure that everything ran like clockwork. In the end it all worked out but either way I didn't do any more sightseeing on this particular run!

Distance: 7.8 miles
Time: 1h 07m 41s

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