Back with the Saturday gang

After missing last week's run I was quite eager to meet up with the gang this morning; so excited in fact that I decided to carve a hole in the side of my trainer to accommodate my painful bunion! This minor adjustment made I turned up, nabbed a parking space and tried to get my legs moving. Luckily there was a decent quorum present and everyone was happy to head off over Hampstead Heath and on towards Highgate. Now we could always have made the unpopular decision to take in Swain's Lane but instead the pack headed for Dartmouth Park Hill. On the far side of Waterlow Park this ascent is scarcely easier but it does have the virtue of being shorter.

Victims of Dartmouth Park Hill
Victims of Dartmouth Park Hill

After this a gentle downhill towards the Shepherds Cot Trust land, between Muswell Hill and Crouch End, ensued; clearly the website is in a state of development at the moment but we can all be grateful to the far-sighted folk who endowed this precious space to the community. On the other hand the area could certainly use a few drinking fountains! As it was we kept calm and carried on past Highgate Woods and back towards Kenwood House. A small amount of competition ensued and then, as if by magic, we were all back where we started (with the addition of Darren - a very late joiner today!).

Job done
Job done

Distance: 7.0 miles
Time: 1h 07m 37s

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