Blue sky in the morning

What a busy, busy week this has turned out to be! One, or both, of us has been out every night socialising or taking a course, and this evening our school has an auction hosted by , so it hasn't been business as usual. Hence my bike was at work and I had to run in this morning; although with the sun shining down from a clear sky I didn't mind! In fact I positively enjoyed it as the sunlight fell on my back with just the right amount of heat, the trees came alive with birdsong and the scent of blossom hung in the air.

Highgate Woods in dappled sunlight

Down at Hampstead Heath my senses continued to be entertained by the Spring atmosphere and I decided to detour by the 'private' next to . This hasn't been open to the Heath for all that long but it's secluded, always quiet and worth a visit. As a bonus you get to feast your eyes on the magnificent gardens that the hoi polloi don't have access to! I fondly imagine that there is a squad of gardeners beavering away on the other side of the fence tending to the flowers:

I don't know what this is but I like it!

After these delights it was back to the hard-paved streets and an honest push south. As previously mentioned I've refined my route to take in as many 'garden squares' as possible and that's working out very well in terms of breaking up the scenery and adding interest. On the other hand there are other possibilities around; I've always fancied running through the Inns of Court (if it's allowed) but I don't know their geography well enough at the moment to chance it! One of these days perhaps when I've got a spare moment.

Distance: 8.1 milesAthlone House

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