Day 41: Refining through iteration

One thing that frustrates is how long it takes me to sketch out even simple shapes. Much of the time I try one line, then another, and it takes several attempts to get something that feels acceptable. In a bid to address this I've decided to try some speed drawing occasionally where I draw the same object several times but only allow myself limited time for each sketch - such as 10 minutes. For this exercise I chose a simple cylinder as I find it hard to draw ellipses and this shape provides ample opportunity to improve:

Cylinder photo

In practice I decided to move the cylinder for every picture in order to create some variety and force me to work out how to draw the shape in different projections. It's funny how little progress can be made in just 10 minutes but I guess that some of the sketches have come reasonably close to capturing the original object:

Cylinder picture

The main point here, of course, is that this is a great opportunity for intensive practice and I feel that I've benefited from this. Rather than focusing on quality (the ordinary approach with drawing) the aim here is quantity and this is a goal achieved.

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