I like Marmite so much I even took a jar of this delicious spread with me to France. It doesn't go so well with croissants but on a fresh baguette with cheese it's divine (although I know that not everyone shares my enthusiasm). So it's no surprise that I picked it as a subject worthy of study:
Something that I've been wondering about for a while though is while some (but not all) of my drawings look reasonably similar to the object is this just my subjective perception? If I draw the exact same object twice will my drawings match even reasonably closely? To test this, at least once, I decided to draw this jar twice and simultaneously; so I drew the outlines and fleshed out specific details on both sketches at the same time (rather than completing the first and then moving onto the second). And this is how it all turned out:
I think it's fair to say that the sketches really don't match up in more than the loosest manner. Individually the drawings are okay but they're nothing special (although that might be because I was splitting my attention). To illustrate this I overlaid the picture which I took with the second of my sketches as this turns out to be the better match in terms of shape:
This very graphically shows that while I managed to capture the overall shape (apart from making the lid too small) I did a very bad job of recognising how the jar was turned away from me. Rather than see this I just drew the label as if it were face-on and this makes it increasingly distorted from left to right. Despite my disappointment in my picture this technique of overlaying is great for generating feedback; I'll be doing this some more!