A week into this project and I've produced some interesting if not wholly realistic drawings. What I do like about this process it's possible to find something positive in every picture even if the sum of the parts isn't great (and none of my drawings so far have managed to hit that sweet spot - and I'm ok with that). Today I thought that it would be fun to draw some vegetables and after discarding the lettuce (too difficult) and some celery (not appealing enough) this is what I came up with:
Now the item on the right is clearly a pepper, even without any colour, but that thing on the left? I've no idea what that is. It looks a bit like one of those joke snakes which are compressed into a can and shoot out when you open the lid. Or maybe not even that. Either way it doesn't look much like a carrot:
So it turns out that drawing a carrot, using contours, is really quite difficult as it's a roughly cylindrical shape with no clear lines of symmetry. And it's a uniform orange. In contrast the pepper has some strong lines and a real sense of bulk - which I like. As often occurs the flat bit isn't leaning the right way (it should be towards the viewer rather than away) but the body of the pepper seems to occupy real space and I like that effect. It's possible that this would look even better in colour but I'm happy with the contour look regardless.