Day 79: Adding a grid to my jug and cup group

Following on from my reasonably successful attempt at a group of cans I looked for another arrangement which might benefit from the grid treatment and chanced upon this earlier effort with a jug & cup group. Looking back my outline drawing isn't terrible, and presents as reasonably proportioned, but there's room for improvement through the simple addition of a grid:

Cup with grid

With this guide in place I started by placing some of the key crossing-points on the page in order to anchor my later free sketching. This turned out to be a time-consuming affair as the edges of the objects here are both thick and somewhat indistinct - and little errors have a quite dramatic effect on the very regular ellipses at the top of the cup and jug. As a result I had to redraw these shapes a number of times before I felt even halfway happy; although after this the body of the objects evolved quickly:

Cup picture

Compared to my earlier effort this is a much more accomplished drawing with both objects in proportion, orientated correctly and offering detail in the right places. Certainly I'm satisfied with this and yet if I overlay this sketch onto the original photo it's clear that even with help from the grid it's hard to get those connecting lines spot on:

Cup overlay

Still I think I'm moving ever closer towards being able to make my hand draw the objects that my eyes and brain believe that they're seeing...

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