Down to Regents Park

With the Chairman (Ira) being away today was the day that a new leader, Michael Solomon, got to try on the mantle of power and see how it felt. Sensibly then Michael decided to stick to a tried and tested formula with a run down to Regents Park taking in Hampstead and Belsize Park - convivial locations with wide pavements - plus a healthy dose of bright sunshine. In fact it was, if anything, a little on the warm side but then again who's complaining when it feels so good? So down Rosslyn Hill we went and up Primrose Hill we went (doesn't it sound like ?) where we bumped into a photographer willing to capture us for posterity:

The Running School on Primrose Hill

All was relaxed at this point, as it often is with the school, and in Regents Park we trotted past the warthogs with barely a murmur before stopping for water out of real plastic cups - now that is organisation! - and taking in the rose-gardens (which are a little before their best). Even coming up to Swiss Cottage the school remained together at a gentle pace but then swung into view The Beast; otherwise known as Fitzjohn's Avenue. Able to bring a grown man to tears this mighty climb rises to the heights of Hampstead before kicking off again up to the Heath. So, in a way, it's traditional to pit yourself against the terrain and give it your all:

Darren Dryer finishing with strength

All in all then Michael proved up to the task appointed and all of us, in a large group, enjoyed a very nice Spring run (or if there were any mutterings of dissent I wasn't party to them!). What's ever so great though is that finally it feels like we're on the verge of some properly enjoyable weather where you can sit in the garden reading your paper and plan a barbecue at the weekend without feeling like you're taking your life in your hands. What a fine feeling it is to stand on the cusp of summer; that electric sense of anticipation!

Distance: 7.6 milesTime: 1h 3m 36s
The Grand Old Duke of York

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