Grand Union Canal

Occasionally the School likes to break the mould with a step outside of its comfort zone and today is a case in point. Rather than commence in leafy North London we gathered at the home of our chairman (the location a closely-guarded secret in Maida Vale) for a rare treat; the opportunity to appreciate new and unfamiliar territory. In practice this meant hooking up with the near and heading directly west. Now the towpath is a surprisingly busy place early in the morning what with other runners, cyclists and water-folk living in barges and so there is plenty to observe and absorb. In a way you get a chance to examine London from the rear and while I'm no proctologist it isn't as bad as it sounds!

No names, no pack-drill

After Ladbroke Grove the north side of the canal is bordered by and, for obvious reasons, the inhabitants here don't kick up too much of a fuss. This soft edge continues for the best part of a mile and right afterwards, on the south side, comes . To be brutally honest it doesn't sound like much, and this was our turning-point anyway, but having looked into it I quite regret that we missed the boat to explore this 200-acre nature reserve. Maybe next time. Anyhow the run back suffered from the same affliction as all out-and-back routes; you know what's coming! So the best thing to do was get it over and done with as soon as possible by turning it into a race:

Adam demonstrating a clean pair of heels

After this finale all we had left were a few twists and turns through the wide Maida Vale avenues (for some reason there aren't many 'streets' here at all) and very nice they are too. It's hard not to feel relaxed after a decent number of days on staycation in such pleasing warmth (I almost feel sorry for all of those suckers who flew off in pursuit of some sun!) and for certain everyone out today seemed to be enjoying themself. The best thing about it though it that we get to do it all again next weekend. Bonus!

Distance: 6.8 milesWormwood Scrubs Park

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