Just the three of us

Unlike yesterday this morning I rolled up to the car park and there was no one there; not a solitary sausage! I was just reconciling myself to a solo session when, at the last moment, Rob and Mike both arrived - but that was it! After a bit of toing and froing I came up with a rough idea of where we might go and so we sauntered off in the vague direction of Hampstead Village. We ended up heading down Frognal before veering off roughly due East, over the Heath and in the direction of Holloway, Lauradale House and such-like. As ever Mike was his loquacious self and looking very calm and collected:

Mike - ready for action
Mike - ready for action

Sadly Rob was struggling far more than usual due to a hamstring strain but for all of that he's a real trooper; no way was he going to let this get in the way of business! So we kept on over to Crouch End and then back along the Parkland Walk (the one that leads to Finsbury Park), finally intersecting with Highgate Woods after having climbed that steep path from Highgate Tube - some might say that that was just cruel but Rob took it all in his stride. Only on Winnington Road did it all get a bit much but then again I can't say that I felt in the best shape ever with my knee starting to ache (from last Sunday) and a general sense of lassitude. Still we all remained the best of friends:

A moment of relaxation!
A moment of relaxation!

So a successful Sunday morning run even if only three of us made it! The conditions and the company were both great and the rest of the day beckoned. Bring on the summer!

Distance: 8.9 miles
Time: 1h 25m 19s

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