Lethargy rules OK

Urrggghh. What a lethargic day. I couldn't face running at lunchtime, because the streets were just bound to be packed with sun-worshippers, so I didn't. Instead I reckoned that with the longer evenings I could get home while it was light and still fit in a decent (and quiet) run around the home turf. So that was the plan and I managed to leave on time, get home in time and even get changed in time; if only I'd accounted for the lethargy! Heading down to Highgate Woods I felt properly out-of-sorts, all uncoordinated and inefficient, and not myself. So I decided that for my 45-minute sojourn I'd try something new and connect the woods to Ally Pally in a figure-of-eight fashion (perhaps appropriate now that the ice rink has re-opened). Sadly the sunset wasn't quite as spectacular as usual but even so the view over Muswell Hill from the viaduct was nice enough:

Muswell Hill from the viaduct

Down at Alexandra Palace the sky began to darken and I wondered who, or what, I might encounter on my trip around the edge. There were plenty of people around, although not many in the Phoenix Bar oddly enough, so I picked my way through and weaved through the woodland down to the bottom of the hill. There it was all quiet but the view up to the Palace and television transmitter was worth capturing:

Alexandra Palace in the gloaming

It's funny how you can be in touching distance of something and yet be in a different world; not a soul was to be seen at the base of the park, as I ran through the tunnel of trees, and yet all around me life continued unabated. It was strangely peaceful and even coming back over the viaduct, with just a few other runners, I felt more together and myself again. This wasn't a long run in the great scheme of things, and sluggish was my movement, but I'm glad I got out there as now I feel ready for dinner and the weekend!

Distance: 6.5 milesTime: 50m 46s

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