Nice medal!

It's finally arrived - my trophy/medal for winning the Summer 10K Series in Regents Park (in the V40 category of course - I'm not that much of a racing snake sadly). I'm really pretty happy with this result as it's been a real up and down year so far as running goes and it's nice to be rewarded for my pain, persistence and positive mental attitude! Unlike most races the series isn't just about raw speed and crossing the line with your arms above your head either - it's much more about sticking with it month after month, being consistent and playing the long game. So in many ways it really suits me!

I'll give this pride of place on my, um, trophy shelf!
I'll give this pride of place on my, um, trophy shelf!

On the other hand it's not as if I was handed this medal on a plate! I did come in as top V40 twice and made it onto the podium another three times; so out of the six races I think that I held my own. The other sweet thing is that I won £50 in Runners Need vouchers (which will come in super handy when it comes to some new winter running gear) and free entry to the series next year! Amazing! I really don't win all that much and so I'm definitely planning on milking this for all of the quiet satisfaction that I can....