Running Muswell Hill

Many people don't like hills but not me; I love them! So from my perspective living in Muswell Hill is just great - I'm surrounded by gradients in every direction and if you're feeling masochistic you can devise a route that does nothing but take you up and down hills. Okay it's not the Alps or even the Peak District but it is home and that's good enough for me. Anyway today's route was very much an urban run in the traditional style but it found favour with me by including the main climb up to from Crouch End - a proper kilometre at 10% all of the way.

So it felt good to put in a solid effort all of the way to the top (where I managed to just about reel in some unrelated runner and assert my masculinity!). This was especially sweet as all week I've suffered with a sore knee and haven't felt up to running once - even walking down the stairs was painful enough - and couldn't help but entertain doubts as to whether I'd be able to perform this weekend. The weirdest thing though is that running itself turns out not to be painful; just anything slower. So I guess that I'll just have to keep trotting along until I feel better. Our bodies sure are full of surprises. Just when you think that you've got them cracked they throw you another curve-ball.

Distance: 7.8 milesMuswell Hill

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