Running through the dew

Too many weeks at the moment are just being blown out by work and courses and family life; running, and sport in general, is defiantly on the back-burner. So this week it took me until today, Thursday, to throw on some running shoes and I haven't run since Saturday. Gosh that's terrible and it's not as if I've kept away from the cake either! Oh well I suppose that there's nothing wrong with a 'down' week or two. Anyway this morning I had no choice but to run to work because of the torrential downpour last night and my decision to take the tube home; at the same time I had to be in work early for various reasons and so at 7am I left Joshua's homework behind and grabbed myself some sunshine.

Hampstead Heath but in the far distance is The Shard

Yes another glorious morning beckoned and I zig-zagged a bit more than usual across the Heath to take advantage of it. What was nice was just how quiet it all was - like one of those mornings when it's snowed and you're the first one out to leave footprints in the middle of the road! So I deviated a bit along the side of Kenwood House and found myself in a tall, dewy meadow that's just right for dormice. I didn't see any of them but my shoes got a lot of aquatic action:

Just look at those droplets!

After that it was kind-of back to the same old route although at least my legs felt light and carefree - as they should after four days off. Almost a bank holiday weekend for them in fact! In town, after the Euston Road, it got awful busy and I dodged around pedestrians and kicked my heels at the traffic lights. Business as usual I guess but definitely an hour well spent; after this all I had to do was swim at lunchtime and cycle home. Almost a triathlon in reverse!

Distance: 8.5 milesTime: 1h 01m 53s

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