Starting the end of the week

With my art course (at City Lit) on this evening I decided to take the easy option and run in this morning - although easy is a relative concept when your knees, feet and various muscles still ache from a vigorous session the night before. So I set off gingerly in the hope that I wouldn't stir up any unpleasantness if I stuck to a steady pace. On the whole this worked and traversing the Heath was, as ever, a delightful affair with birds singing in the trees and the wind ruffling my hair (or what's left of it after Lenore sheared me with the clippers!).

However by Royal College Street (which is a long, downhill drag) all two of my legs joined in complaint and I began eyeing up the Boris bikes lustfully. How nice it would have been to unhook one of these noble steeds and continue in a relaxed manner to my place of work. If only. Luckily, perhaps, I'm not a member of the scheme and so I continued down through Bloomsbury and past all of the hotels where foreign tourists tucked into their bacon and fresh toast; how my empty stomach rumbled at that familiar guesthouse aroma. Still just another couple of kilometres and breakfast would be mine!

Distance: 7.8 miles
Time: 1h 00m 58s

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