The Sunday "not so long" run

It's been decided. Whatever ambitions I had for going long this Spring have definitely flown the coop; they've been shelved, shown the door and given the bum's rush. So that's that. There's really no point trying to catch up for lost time as that'll only invite further injury and I haven't even got over my current problems yet.

On that score though there has been some progress. This evening my long-standing sports masseur Sarah came over to give me the once-over and in her opinion the underlying issue is one of tight quads. From these the muscles that go around the pelvis and connect at the back have been strained and right now there is an imbalance in the Universe - or in my lower-half anyway. So that means more stretches. Goody!

Before this revelation there was, of course, the small matter of a morning run to attend to. With long runs out of the question I was quite content with a short, snappy jaunt around Golders Green and the vicinity (although running past baker's shops with their aroma of fresh-baked bagels is almost too much to bear):

That said karma did get its revenge when shortly afterwards we ran the full length of Hamilton Road. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Except for the fact that right behind the houses runs Hendon Way, also known as the A41, and you can really tell. What a depressing street to live on! As it was we still had to contend with the Brent Cross flyover before we reached Hendon Park and somewhat greener surroundings. It's all relative of course but we can't all live in the remote countryside can we?! As ever though I was happy to get out and even happier to finish.

Distance: 6.7 milesTime: 58m 31s

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