Track Session II

This evening I cycled over to Regents Park for another of the TriLondon track sessions; hopefully this will become a regular habit as I could do with lifting my top-end speed. Tonight's session was run by Lotte and there was a decent turn-out with maybe 8 or 9 of us taking to the track. Sadly I didn't recognise too many people, apart from Andy, but I think that that's as much a reflection of how fluid a decent triathlon club is in a big city as it is a comment on how rarely I get to train in a group now!

Either way after a few laps warm-up we moved onto the intervals: 2 minutes running followed by 2 minutes rest, repeated 8 times. The same as last week except tonight I felt distinctly jaded at the beginning and it took several repetitions for me to loosen up and feel a bit more coordinated. By the halfway point I was managing to hold my position in the group and when it came to the last two intervals I decided, as happened last week, to turn up the gas and see. Luckily this lead only to good things and I covered a number of extra metres although at the cost of having to push a lot harder - which kind of leaves me wondering if I wasn't trying hard enough?

Anyway I had my watch set to record the intervals and so I have the split numbers this week. They aren't perfect as Lotte's timing wasn't quite in synchronisation and so by the end I was probably starting a good 10 seconds after the watch wanted me to. Nevertheless the splits aren't too bad (with the first 7 seeing 544m covered and the last 576m, more or less):

1 - 5:46 min/mile
2 - 5:55
3 - 5:55
4 - 5:54
5 - 5:50
6 - 5:54
7 - 5:51
8 - 5:38

So a pretty good session although I did find it rather taxing cycling home over the top of Hampstead; this is not the altitude profile that I would choose if I had a choice!

Distance: 4.1 milesTime: 34m 17s

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