Track Session III

Oh Father I have sinned; it has been a month since my last track session and I have been consumed by impure thoughts of ultra-distance events. I absolve your sins my Son; just complete six repetitions of three minutes running (with two minutes rest) in Regents Park and your conscience will be clear. And so it was. After Lotte's clarion call I resolved to attend the after-work session, along with Andy and a few more game triathletes, and try my hardest. As it turns out this is quite hard and I'm quite pleased with both the pace of my splits and their consistency:

1 - 5:45 min/mile
2 - 5:43
3 - 5:38
4 - 5:36
5 - 5:39
6 - 5:48

Okay events took a turn for worse in the final lap (of around 800m), which was more than painful, but I claim leniency on two counts: in the first instance I was kind of tired from being constantly chased down by Lotte (who has a great turn of pace) and in the second I was also hampered by an over-full bladder. This is not the way to achieve an effortless running style! Either way the result was a solid training session that can only produce dividends I hope!

Distance: 4.8 miles
Time: 40m 06s

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