Trouble with watches?

Is it old age or just general forgetfulness? Whichever it is for some reason I forgot to press the start button on my watch this morning and that's a real shame because Simon took us all out on a brand-new route this morning. Fortunately for me Simon is a star on two counts because he managed to both start his GPS and then email me the results (see ). So I've a lot to be grateful for in terms of bacon saving! Anyway the highlight today was that we ventured out to an untouched destination, Gladstone Park, that had previously been dismissed by less enlightened members of the running school! A bit of a shame really as it proved open of aspect, clean and pleasingly varied; worth a visit.

A rather nice oak don't you think?
A rather nice oak don't you think?

The only problem, really, with venturing East in this way is that we had to traverse Cricklewood and, well, not to put too fine a point on it but this isn't the nicest neck of the woods. In fact Barnet council proclaim it to be the site of one of London's largest regeneration schemes and I don't really see that as an advert! That said there was a big group of us out today and so there was lots of craic and general fun and the route itself was sufficiently hilly to prove interesting without becoming demoralising; this isn't some army death-march we're on here despite outwards appearances! All in all then Simon conjured up a memorable route this morning and I hope that we turn out this way again.

Distance: 7.1 miles
Time: 1h 03m 42s

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