Two weeks later - back to the park

After missing out on a lunchtime run last week it was nice to get out today and see how Spring's getting on. This is such a great time of year with the evenings suddenly becoming dramatically lighter and the scent of blossom in the air and so I was expecting great things. I'm glad to say that St James Park didn't disappoint what with crocuses and daffodils carpeting the ground while the cherry trees are budding like there's no tomorrow. So while the sky might be grey the park is anything but:

Following my usual route I headed over Green Park towards Hyde Park and the difference that a few week's dry weather makes is massive; no longer is the path sodden and slippery which is good news both for my stride and my shoes! Over in Hyde Park the horse trail is once again navigable all of the way round, not that I witnessed any riders out today, although the water fountains are still out of action. I know that the winter was unusually bitter but even so - warm weather is on the way and we runners need to stay hydrated! Actually while on the subject of the horse trails there's always a choice in the park between the hard and soft options:

As you might expect I always like to take the harder route (isn't running just a reflection of life itself?) but it's doubly enjoyable when you get to overtake joggers on the tarmac! Obviously one has to make it look easy while easing past but the loosely competitive pleasure is worth the effort. So an enjoyable run through the London parks even if a few of my muscles are still a little sore from last Sunday.

Distance: 7.7 milesTime: 1h 5m 23s

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