Who's the boss?

Thankfully it wasn't raining today and so I persevered through a medium-grade hangover to make the meet this morning. A bit of a low turn-out today with just me, Mike, Adam, Rob and Amanda making the effort and as no one had a route in mind the baton passed to me - with the proviso being that we came by my house. So I seized the day and mentally sketched out a plan; one that took advantage of the relaxed nature of Sunday running to try some new paths. Starting with the Heath then we headed over towards Highgate; obviously I was going to take us up a hill but which one? Ah the mind games possible at such a moment!

In the end I was kind and barely skirted with Swains Lane before taking us across Waterlow Park, over the Archway Road and through some back-streets to Queens Wood. It's amazing how much green space you can find in North London when you seek it out and with the crocuses emerging the fresh air put paid to my fuzzy head! From here it was all familiar territory leading to my home in Muswell Hill and then through the middle of East Finchley (somewhere visited so infrequently that for a moment even Mike was disorientated and that never happens). Up Winnington Road the group briefly broke up but there were no complaints about the length (around 13km), mud (not so much) or scenery (quite pretty). Maybe I should do this more often!

Distance: 8.2 milesTime: 1h 18m 24s

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